
Continuous projections, duality, and the diagonal mapping in weighted spaces of holomorphic functions with mixed norm. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0960.32007

J. Math. Sci., New York 101, No. 3, 3211-3215 (2000); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 247, 268-275 (1997).
From the introduction: Let \(U^n=\{z=(z_1, \dots, z_n):|z_j |<1\), \(j=1,\dots, n\}\) be the unit polydisk in the complex \(n\)-dimensional space \(\mathbb{C}^n\), and let \(\mathbb{T}^n\) be the frame of \(U^n\). Let \(\vec p=(p_1, \dots,p_n)\), \(\vec\omega(t) =(\omega_1(t), \dots,\omega_n (t))\), where \(0<p_j <+\infty\), and \(\omega_j(t)\) are positive slowly varying functions on \((0,1]\). We denote by \(L^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) the space of functions \(f\) measurable in \(U^n\) and satisfying \[ \begin{split} \|f\|_{L^{\vec p}(\vec \omega)}= \left(\int_U \omega_n\bigl(1- |\zeta_n |\bigr) \left(\int_U \omega_{n-1} \bigl(1-|\zeta_{n-1} |\bigr) \dots\left(\int_U \bigl|f(\zeta_1, \dots, \zeta_n)\bigr |^{p_1}\times \right.\right.\right.\\ \times \left. \left. \left.\omega_1\bigl(1-|\zeta_1 |\bigr) dm_2(\zeta_1) \right)^{p_2 \over p_1}\dots dm_2(\zeta_{n-1}) \right)^{p_n \over p_{n-1}}dm_2 (\zeta_n) \right)^{1\over p_n}< +\infty, \end{split} \] where \(dm_2\) is the planar Lebesgue measure on \(U\). The subspace of \(L^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) consisting of functions holomorphic in \(U^n\) is denoted by \(H^{\vec p}(\vec \omega)\), and the subspace consisting of \(n\)-harmonic functions is denoted by \(h^{\vec p}(\vec \omega)\).
We construct a bounded linear operator mapping \(L^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) to \(H^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) for all \(\vec p=(p_1, \dots, p_n)\), \(1\leq p_j< +\infty\), and also a mapping \(h^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) of \(L\vec p(\vec\omega)\) onto \(H^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) for \(0<p_j<1\), \(j=1, \dots,n\). Also, we obtain a complete description of continuous linear functionals on \(H^{\vec p}(\vec\omega)\) and characterize the traces of functions belonging to \(H^{\vec p}(\vec \omega)\) on the diagonal of \(U^n\) for all \(\vec p\) and \(\vec\omega\). Moreover, we construct a linear extension from the diagonal of the polydisk to the entire polydisk.


32A37 Other spaces of holomorphic functions of several complex variables (e.g., bounded mean oscillation (BMOA), vanishing mean oscillation (VMOA))
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