
Dyson-Schwinger Equations in Minimal Subtraction. arXiv:2109.13684

Preprint, arXiv:2109.13684 [hep-th] (2021).
Summary: We compare the solutions of one-scale Dyson-Schwinger equations in the Minimal subtraction (MS) scheme to the solutions in kinematic (MOM) renormalization schemes. We establish that the MS-solution can be interpreted as a MOM-solution, but with a shifted renormalization point, where the shift itself is a function of the coupling. We derive relations between this shift and various renormalization group functions and counter terms in perturbation theory. As concrete examples, we examine three different one-scale Dyson-Schwinger equations, one based on the D=4 multiedge graph, one for the D=6 multiedge graph and one mathematical toy model. For each of the integral kernels, we examine both the linear and nine different non-linear Dyson-Schwinger equations. For the linear cases, we empirically find exact functional forms of the shift between MOM and MS renormalization points. For the non-linear DSEs, the results for the shift suggest a factorially divergent power series. We determine the leading asymptotic growth parameters and find them in agreement with the ones of the anomalous dimension. Finally, we present a tentative exact non-perturbative solution to one of the non-linear DSEs of the toy model.


81T15 Perturbative methods of renormalization applied to problems in quantum field theory
45M05 Asymptotics of solutions to integral equations
81T17 Renormalization group methods applied to problems in quantum field theory
40G10 Abel, Borel and power series methods
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