
Spline approximation methods for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem on non-smooth domains. (English) Zbl 1020.65092

Böttcher, Albrecht (ed.) et al., Toeplitz matrices and singular integral equations. The Bernd Silbermann anniversary volume. Basel: Birkhäuser. Oper. Theory, Adv. Appl. 135, 145-160 (2002).
The authors present a numerical approach for solving integral equations on non-smooth domains. They consider the biharmonic Dirichlet problem \[ \Delta^2U|_D= 0, \quad U|_\Gamma= f_{1}, \quad \frac{\partial U} {\partial n} \Biggl|_\Gamma= f_{2} ,\tag{1} \] where \(D\) is a two-dimensional domain with simple closed piecewise smooth contour \(\Gamma \) and \(\frac{\partial U}{\partial n}\) is the outward normal derivative to that contour [P. Grisvard, Elliptic problems in nonsmooth domains (1985; Zbl 0695.35060)]. The solution \(U\) is sought in \(W_p^1 (\overline{D})\cap W_p^4 (D)\), where \(W_p^k (X)\) is the Sobolev space of \(k\)-times differentiable functions on \(X\) the derivatives of which belong to \(L_{p}(X)\). Reducing the initial problem to a boundary value problem for analytic functions in the same domain \(D\), the authors arrive to the integral equation of N. I. Muskhelishvili [Singular integral equations. 3rd ed. (1968; Zbl 0174.16202)]. The Muskhelishvili equation is an integral equation without critical geometry and the integral operators of which can be represented as elements of an algebra of Mellin operators with conjugation. Since the corresponding integral operator is non-invertible on the space of work, the authors correct it in such a way that the newly obtained operator is invertible and the solution of the associated integral equation is a solution of the Muskhelishvili equation.
Finally, the paper presents an extensive investigation of spline Galerkin method for the auxiliary integral equation and gives a stable and convergent approximate solution for the Muskhelishvili equation.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1005.00052].


65N38 Boundary element methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
31A30 Biharmonic, polyharmonic functions and equations, Poisson’s equation in two dimensions
31A10 Integral representations, integral operators, integral equations methods in two dimensions
30E25 Boundary value problems in the complex plane
35J40 Boundary value problems for higher-order elliptic equations
45E10 Integral equations of the convolution type (Abel, Picard, Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf type)
65R20 Numerical methods for integral equations