
Differential geometric invariants for time-reversal symmetric Bloch-bundles: the “Real” case. (English) Zbl 1346.57024

A topological quantum system consists of a Hilbert space \(\mathcal H\) (quantum phase space), a closed manifold \(X\) (parameter space), and a continuous map \(X \ni x \mapsto H(x) = H(x)^*\) taking values in compact self-adjoint operators \(H(x) : \mathcal H \to \mathcal H\) (the \(x\)-dependent Hamiltonian). The reason for the monicker “topological” is that important physical features correspond to topological properties of the family. Perhaps the most important case is when the spectrum of the family is gapped: when there are \(m\) eigenvalues (aka energy bands) \(\lambda_1(x),\dots,\lambda_m(x)\) of \(H(x)\) that stay more than some “gap” \(C_g > 0\) away from all other eigenvalues for all values of \(x \in X\). When this happens, there is a corresponding rank-\(m\) complex vector bundle on \(X\) spanned by the corresponding eigenvectors. Topologically inequivalent vector bundles correspond to physically inequivalent systems.
As such, the classification of complex vector bundles is central in condensed matter. Fortunately, this classification is quite well studied in the mathematical literature, with all kinds of homotopy-theoretic and differential-geometric tools.
The present paper extends such analysis to the case of real (in the sense of Atiyah) vector bundles, which correspond to topological quantum systems with a time reversal symmetry. (Quaternionic vector bundles are also briefly discussed, with full details awaiting a future paper by the authors.) By definition, a time reversal symmetry for a topological quantum system consists of a complex conjugation \(C\) on \(\mathcal H\) (i.e. an antiunitary involution), an involution \(\tau\) on \(X\), and a continuous family of unitary maps \(x \mapsto J(x)\), equivariant in the sense that \(J(x)^* = CJ(\tau x) C\), and providing an equivariance for \(H\) in the sense that \(J(x)^* H(\tau x) J(x) = C H(x) C\). When such a system is gapped, the corresponding vector bundle is real (for the involution \(\tau\)).
It is hard for this reviewer to evaluate any paper from the point of view of a condensed matter theorist. But from the point of view of a mathematician, the paper is very good, and obviously achieves its two goals: to develop the (new) homotopy-theoretic and differential-geometric tools necessary to analyze topological quantum systems with time reversal symmetry, and to provide a largely self-contained presentation of all materials. In particular, the paper is written in the language of mathematics, defining physical notions in a mathematically-understandable way, but nevertheless contains brief introductions to everything from connections and Chern-Weil forms to spectral sequences, so that non-experts can follow.


57R22 Topology of vector bundles and fiber bundles
57R56 Topological quantum field theories (aspects of differential topology)
81T45 Topological field theories in quantum mechanics
81R05 Finite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics and their representations
58B05 Homotopy and topological questions for infinite-dimensional manifolds
55P91 Equivariant homotopy theory in algebraic topology
55R50 Stable classes of vector space bundles in algebraic topology and relations to \(K\)-theory
55N25 Homology with local coefficients, equivariant cohomology
82B21 Continuum models (systems of particles, etc.) arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics
81Q70 Differential geometric methods, including holonomy, Berry and Hannay phases, Aharonov-Bohm effect, etc. in quantum theory
53C80 Applications of global differential geometry to the sciences


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