
A graph framework for manifold-valued data. (English) Zbl 1398.65132

Summary: Graph-based methods have been proposed as a unified framework for discrete calculus of local and nonlocal image processing methods in recent years. In order to translate variational models and partial differential equations to a graph, certain operators have been investigated and successfully applied to real-world applications involving graph models. So far the graph framework has been limited to real- and vector-valued functions on Euclidean domains. In this paper we generalize this model to the case of manifold-valued data. We introduce the basic calculus needed to formulate variational models and partial differential equations for manifold-valued functions and discuss the proposed graph framework for two particular families of operators, namely, the isotropic and anisotropic graph \(p\)-Laplacian operators, \(p\geq 1\). Based on the choice of \(p\) we are in particular able to solve optimization problems on manifold-valued functions involving total variation \((p=1)\) and Tikhonov \((p=2)\) regularization. Finally, we present numerical results from processing both synthetic as well as real-world manifold-valued data, e.g., from diffusion tensor imaging and light detection and ranging data.


65K10 Numerical optimization and variational techniques
35R02 PDEs on graphs and networks (ramified or polygonal spaces)
49M25 Discrete approximations in optimal control
68U10 Computing methodologies for image processing


Camino; MVIRT


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