
Lifting numeric relational domains to algebraic data types. (English) Zbl 1524.68198

Singh, Gagandeep (ed.) et al., Static analysis. 29th international symposium, SAS 2022, Auckland, New Zealand, December 5–7, 2022. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13790, 104-134 (2022).
Summary: We present RAND, an input-output relational abstract domain that expresses relations between values of non-recursive algebraic data types (ADTs), and numeric relations between their scalar parts. RAND is parametrised on a user-provided numeric relational domain, that we lift to pairs of variables and projection paths. It is constructed as a disjunctive completion of a reduced product of domains for numeric relations, for equalities, and for cases of variant constructors. Using RAND, we define a modular, inter-procedural, input-output relational analysis for a while language with ADTs and function calls. The analysis computes function summaries, that describe relations between the inputs of programs and their outputs.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1515.68049].


68Q65 Abstract data types; algebraic specification
68N30 Mathematical aspects of software engineering (specification, verification, metrics, requirements, etc.)


seL4; WhyML; Apron; Why3


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