
Targeted and contextual redescription set exploration. (English) Zbl 1475.68287

Summary: One important problem occurring in redescription mining is a very large number of produced redescriptions. This makes analyses time consuming and generally difficult. We present the targeted and contextual redescription set exploration, realized through the tool InterSet. The main purpose of the tool is to derive additional knowledge from the redescription set which allows exploring parts of redescription set of interest and examining redescriptions individually or in the broader context, with the aim of increasing overall understandability. InterSet allows relating, grouping redescriptions, observing distributions of various redescription properties and selecting the appropriate subsets for further, detailed study. This allows gaining knowledge about the underlying data, help in forming, understanding, supporting research hypothesis or assists in understanding one or more redescriptions of interest. The tool provides three different, fully connected interaction modes based on: (1) similarity of entity occurrence in redescription support sets, (2) attribute co-occurrence in redescriptions and (3) redescription quality measures. Additionally, it allows exploration of relations between different redescriptions by creating a graph visualization that includes the top \(k\)-shortest paths containing selected redescriptions. On the individual redescription level, it allows studying value distributions of described entities, for a given set of attributes.


68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects)
68T30 Knowledge representation
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