
Robust efficiency analysis of public hospitals in Queensland, Australia. (English) Zbl 07645403

Daouia, Abdelaati (ed.) et al., Advances in contemporary statistics and econometrics. Festschrift in honor of Christine Thomas-Agnan. Cham: Springer. 221-242 (2021).
Summary: In this study, we utilize various approaches for efficiency analysis to explore the state of efficiency of public hospitals in Queensland, Australia, in the year 2016/17. Besides the traditional nonparametric approaches like DEA and FDH, we also use a more recent and very promising robust approach-order-\( \alpha\) quantile frontier estimators (Aragon et al. 2005). Upon obtaining the individual estimates from various approaches, we also analyze performance on a more aggregate level – the level of Local Hospital Networks by using an aggregate efficiency measure constructed from the estimated individual efficiency scores. Our analysis suggests that the relatively low efficiency of some Local Hospital Networks in Queensland can be partially explained by the fact that the majority of their hospitals are small and located in remote areas.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1498.62004].


62P20 Applications of statistics to economics
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