
Model-based exception mining for object-relational data. (English) Zbl 1433.68375

Summary: This paper develops model-based exception mining and outlier detection for the case of object-relational data. Object-relational data represent a complex heterogeneous network, which comprises objects of different types, links among these objects, also of different types, and attributes of these links. We follow the well-established exceptional model mining (EMM) framework, which has been previously applied for subgroup discovery in propositional data; our novel contribution is to develop EMM for relational data. EMM leverages machine learning models for exception mining: An object is exceptional to the extent that a model learned for the object data differs from a model learned for the general population. In relational data, EMM can therefore be used for detecting single outlier or exceptional objects. We combine EMM with state-of-the-art statistical-relational model discovery methods for constructing a graphical model (Bayesian network), that compactly represents probabilistic associations in the data. We investigate several outlierness metrics, based on the learned object-relational model, that quantify the extent to which the association pattern of a potential outlier object deviates from that of the whole population. Our method is validated on synthetic data sets and on real-world data sets about soccer and hockey matches, IMDb movies and mutagenic compounds. Compared to baseline methods, the EMM approach achieved the best detection accuracy when combined with a novel outlinerness metric. An empirical evaluation on soccer and movie data shows a strong correlation between our novel outlierness metric and success metrics: Individuals that our metric marks out as unusual tend to have unusual success.


68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
68T09 Computational aspects of data analysis and big data


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