
RHDLPP: a multigroup radiation hydrodynamics code for laser-produced plasmas. (English) Zbl 07867587

Summary: In this paper, we introduce the RHDLPP, a flux-limited multigroup radiation hydrodynamics numerical code designed for simulating laser-produced plasmas in diverse environments. The code bifurcates into two packages: RHDLPP-LTP for low-temperature plasmas generated by moderate-intensity nanosecond lasers, and RHDLPP-HTP for high-temperature, high-density plasmas formed by high-intensity laser pulses. The core radiation hydrodynamic equations are resolved in the Eulerian frame, employing an operator-split method. This method decomposes the solution into two substeps: first, the explicit resolution of the hyperbolic subsystems integrating radiation and fluid dynamics; second, the implicit treatment of the parabolic part comprising stiff radiation diffusion, heat conduction, and energy exchange. Laser propagation and energy deposition are modeled through a hybrid approach, combining geometrical-optics ray-tracing in sub-critical plasma regions with a one-dimensional solution of the Helmholtz wave equation in super-critical areas. The thermodynamic states are ascertained using an equation of state, based on either the real gas approximation or the quotidian equation of state (QEOS). For ionization calculations, the code employs a steady-state collisional-radiation (CR) model using the screened-hydrogenic approximation. Additionally, RHDLPP includes RHDLPP-SpeIma3D, a three-dimensional spectral simulation post-processing module, for generating both temporally-spatially resolved and time-integrated spectra and imaging, facilitating direct comparisons with experimental data. The paper showcases a series of verification tests to establish the code’s accuracy and efficiency, followed by application cases, including simulations of laser-produced aluminium (Al) plasmas, pre-pulse-induced target deformation of tin (Sn) microdroplets relevant to extreme ultraviolet lithography light sources, and varied imaging and spectroscopic simulations. These simulations highlight RHDLPP’s effectiveness and applicability in fields such as laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, extreme ultraviolet lithography sources, and high-energy-density physics.


78-XX Optics, electromagnetic theory
76-XX Fluid mechanics


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