
Mitigating model error via a multimodel method and application to tropical intraseasonal oscillations. (English) Zbl 07773359

Summary: Developing a model to capture all aspects of a complex dynamical system is an immense task, and each model will have deficiencies in some areas, such as global climate models having difficulty in capturing tropical intraseasonal variability such as the Madden-Julian oscillation. Besides complex models, it is possible to create simplified, low-dimensional models to capture specific phenomena while ignoring many aspects of the full system. Here, we propose a strategy to allow complex models to communicate with simplified models throughout a simulation. The communication allows one to leverage the strengths of each model, without needing to change their dynamics, to mitigate model error. Furthermore, to ensure ease of implementation in complex systems, the strategy is based on common data assimilation techniques that are normally used to combine models and real-world data. This strategy is investigated here in a test case that is nonlinear, non-Gaussian, and high-dimensional (approximately \(10^5\) degrees of freedom), and the multiple models have different state spaces. In particular, it is an idealized tropical climate model in three spatial dimensions. The multimodel communication strategy is seen to mitigate model error and reproduce statistical features akin to those of the truth model when the communication is sufficiently frequent. In these tests, the low-dimensional model contributes only two degrees of freedom, which suggests that, in some systems, large amounts of model error can possibly be reduced by focusing on a small set of model components.


68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
68R10 Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science
68U05 Computer graphics; computational geometry (digital and algorithmic aspects)


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