
Particle-continuum multiscale modeling of sea ice floes. (English) Zbl 1542.74003

Summary: Sea ice profoundly influences the polar environment and the global climate. Traditionally, sea ice has been modeled as a continuum under Eulerian coordinates to describe its large-scale features, using, for instance, viscous-plastic rheology. Recently, Lagrangian particle models, also known as the discrete element method models, have been utilized for characterizing the motion of individual sea ice fragments (called floes) at scales of 10 km and smaller, especially in marginal ice zones. This paper develops a multiscale model that couples the particle and the continuum systems to facilitate an effective representation of the dynamical and statistical features of sea ice across different scales. The multiscale model exploits a Boltzmann-type system that links the particle movement with the continuum equations. For the small-scale dynamics, it describes the motion of each sea ice floe. Then, as the large-scale continuum component, it treats the statistical moments of mass density and linear and angular velocities. The evolution of these statistics affects the motion of individual floes, which in turn provides bulk feedback that adjusts the large-scale dynamics. Notably, the particle model characterizing the sea ice floes is localized and fully parallelized in a framework that is sometimes called superparameterization, which significantly improves computational efficiency. Numerical examples demonstrate the effective performance of the multiscale model. Additionally, the study demonstrates that the multiscale model has a linear-order approximation to the truth model.


74A25 Molecular, statistical, and kinetic theories in solid mechanics
74S99 Numerical and other methods in solid mechanics
74-10 Mathematical modeling or simulation for problems pertaining to mechanics of deformable solids
86A40 Glaciology
82B21 Continuum models (systems of particles, etc.) arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics


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