
Shocks, singularities and oscillations in nonlinear optics and fluid mechanics. Papers based on the workshop, Rome, Italy, September 2015. (English) Zbl 1371.76002

Springer INdAM Series 17. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-52041-4/hbk; 978-3-319-52042-1/ebook). xii, 308 p. (2017).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Benzoni-Gavage, Sylvie; Coulombel, Jean-François, Amplitude equations for weakly nonlinear surface waves in variational problems, 1-32 [Zbl 1366.76012]
Bresch, Didier; Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel, Global weak solutions of PDEs for compressible media: a compactness criterion to cover new physical situations, 33-54 [Zbl 1371.35192]
Burq, Nicolas, Second microlocalization and stabilization of damped wave equations on tori, 55-73 [Zbl 1383.35008]
Fanelli, Francesco, A few remarks on hyperbolic systems with Zygmund in time coefficients, 75-102 [Zbl 1382.35155]
Gallagher, Isabelle; Gérard-Varet, David, Wellposedness of linearized Taylor equations in magnetohydrodynamics, 103-140 [Zbl 1366.76094]
Métivier, Guy; Rauch, Jeffrey, Strictly dissipative nonuniqueness with corners, 141-149 [Zbl 1377.35193]
Parmeggiani, Alberto, On the solvability of certain degenerate partial differential operators, 151-179 [Zbl 1378.35004]
Petkov, Vesselin, Location and Weyl formula for the eigenvalues of some non self-adjoint operators, 181-203 [Zbl 1377.35208]
Saint-Raymond, Laure, A microscopic point of view on singularities in fluid models, 205-259 [Zbl 1366.76044]
Williams, Mark, Geometric optics for Rayleigh pulses in nonlinear elasticity, 261-271 [Zbl 1366.74008]
Zumbrun, Kevin, Recent results on stability of planar detonations, 273-308 [Zbl 1366.76033]


76-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to fluid mechanics
76Lxx Shock waves and blast waves in fluid mechanics
78A60 Lasers, masers, optical bistability, nonlinear optics
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
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