
Optimization of experiments where some responses are profiles. (Otimização de experimentos com variáveis de resposta descritas por perfis.) (Portuguese. English summary) Zbl 1257.90114

Summary: In multiresponse experiments (MREs) the same experimental unit is evaluated with respect to more than one response simultaneously. Optimization of MREs involves determining the point in the design region where responses perform best with respect to given criteria. Utility functions are used to transform responses outcomes at each experimental treatment into performance measures. In this paper, we investigate MREs where some response outcomes are profiles rather than individual values. A functional response gives one or more profiles as observed outcomes at each experimental treatment, and the objective is to identify the outcome that is closest to a target profile. We propose the use of the Hausdorff Distance, a similarity metric from the field of image recognition, in combination with a desirability function to obtain a utility function that gives the distance of a functional response outcome to its desired target.


90C90 Applications of mathematical programming
90C20 Quadratic programming


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