
The resolution of the optimal reactive dispatch problem via the relaxed barrier-Lagrangian function method. (A resolução do problema de despacho ótimo de reativos pelo método da função lagrangiana-barreira relaxada.) (Portuguese. English summary) Zbl 1257.90080

Summary: This work presents the application of the relaxed barrier-Lagrangian function method to the optimal reactive dispatch problem, which is a nonlinear nonconvex and large problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the association of modified barrier and primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. Those constraints are transformed in equalities through positive auxiliary variables and are perturbed by the barrier parameter. A Lagrangian function is associated to the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions are applied generating a non-linear system which is solved by Newton’s method. The auxiliary variables perturbation result in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reach. Numeric tests with the systems CESP 53 buses and the south-southeast Brazilian and the comparative test with the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method indicate that presented method is efficient in the resolution of optimal reactive dispatch problem.


90C26 Nonconvex programming, global optimization
90C53 Methods of quasi-Newton type


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