
Advanced studies of flexible robotic manipulators. Modeling, design, control and applications. (English) Zbl 1030.93001

Series in Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation. 4. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific. xvi, 439 p. (2003).
This collection of papers on flexible robotic manipulators is part of a series in World Scientific intelligent control and intelligent automation. The motivation for this volume is a significant increase in research interest and activity concerning lightweight robotic manipulators of relatively large dimensions. This interest derives from the significant perceived advantages of flexible manipulators: small mass, rapid motion, large force-to-mass ratio, hence reduced energy consumption, increased productivity, and improved payload capacity. However, new challenges arise with the use of flexible manipulators. These include system design issues, structural optimization, construction modeling, sensing and control.
This volume begins the discussion by considering modeling and control of flexible robot manipulators in the first seven chapters. Strategies that are considered include: nonlinear control schemes with a nonlinear observer providing estimates of joint and link coordinate rates; energy-based robust control strategies that do not explicitly use the system dynamics; distributed parameter systems approximated by a finite-dimensional design model; and sensor output feedback control laws.
The second part of the book (Chapters 8-10) addresses the optimal design of flexible manipulators. Optimal shape design of manipulators is discussed in Chapters 9 and 10. Finally, Chapter 11 offers a comprehensive study of the dynamic behavior of flexible robotic links, focusing on results of theoretical and educational interest.


93-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to systems and control theory
93C85 Automated systems (robots, etc.) in control theory
70E60 Robot dynamics and control of rigid bodies