
Resources for teaching discrete mathematics. Classroom projects, history modules, and articles. (English) Zbl 1163.00004

MAA Notes 74. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America (MAA) (ISBN 978-0-88385-184-5/pbk). xiv, 323 p. (2009).
This book presents a rich collection of topics in discrete mathematics, well-prepared for the classroom with worksheet, problems and their solutions. Problems in discrete math, a part of math which is highly neglected in many European high schools, are especially suited to raise the students’ performances and interests in mathematics, for their solutions allow in many cases a personal approach and hardly need any sophisticated mathematical techniques. A teacher, who is willing to try this way, is well-advised to first test whether or not the problem lies within the reach of his students, for as soon a teacher runs the discovery channel, the hall of frustration is usually not far away. The instructor should also be aware, that a result, which is of utmost interest to a mathematician, has not necessarily the same importance for a student of a high school. The rich bibliography to each topic may lead the reader to further suitable problems.


00A07 Problem books
52Cxx Discrete geometry
05Cxx Graph theory