
Rechnernetzwerksystemarchitekturen und Datenkommunikation. (Computer network systems architectures and data communication). 3rd rev. a. exp. ed. (Rechnernetzwerksystemarchitekturen und Datenkommunikation.) (German) Zbl 0787.68004

Reihe Informatik. 54. Mannheim etc.: BI-Wissenschaftsverlag. XVI, 438 p. (1991).
[For a review of the second edition, see Zbl 0703.68021.]
This is the third, updated edition of the handbook on computer network architectures, data communication and fundamentals of distributed processing. The material introduces the reader into many aspects of computing systems interconnection. The basic model is the multi-layered ISO OSI architecture, but the Internet approach, as well as proprietary architectures of computer systems suppliers as IBM and DEC are also discussed.
The book consists of 5 chapters and contains nearly 200 items in the bibliography. The first chapter gives an overview of network structures and describes fundamentals of the ISO OSI reference model for multi- layered communication. The second chapter, which is the largest in the book, describes a variety of practical implementations of the lowest OSI layers, (i.e., physical and data-link), including electrical analysis of transmission in digital channels, circuit and packet switching, routing, X.25 interfaces, IEEE 802 standards for bus and ring systems (like Ethernet, Token Ring and DQDB) and ISDN network. The next chapter presents the basic features of the ISO approach to the higher layers – i.e., transport, session, presentation and application. The architectural concepts of layered protocols, file transfer, message transfer, network management and data security are discussed. The fourth chapter deals with distributed processing and network operating systems with versions of UNIX as a main example. Examples of experimental distributed systems are quoted. The last chapter describes proprietary architectural solutions – IBM SNA and SAA, MAP, DECnet and DNA.
Since the subject scope of the text is very wide and a great deal of topics is considered, the book has rather encyclopedic flavour.
The book may be useful for students of introductory courses on computer communication, as well as for network administrators and users.


68M10 Network design and communication in computer systems
68-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science


Zbl 0703.68021