
Computer architecture. Structure, organization and implementation. 2., überarb. u. erweit. Aufl. (Rechnerarchitektur. Aufbau, Organisation und Implementierung.) (German) Zbl 0976.68006

Braunschweig: Vieweg. xvi, 376 S. (2000).
[For a review of the first edition (1998) see Zbl 0891.68002.]
This is the second edition of a handbook dealing with computer architectures and organization. Topics covered include fundamentals of microelectronics technology, CPU organization, addressing schemes, microprogram control units, pipelining, RISC machines, benchmarking, superscalar architectures, instruction execution, vector and parallel machines and I/O subsystems. The memory usage and management techniques like paging, caching, segmentation are described a bit more widely than other topics. The book may be used as a textbook for courses on computer architecture and organization. Some fast developing topics like I/O subsystems require updating.


68M07 Mathematical problems of computer architecture
68-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to computer science


Zbl 0891.68002