
On sensitivity in bipartite Cayley graphs. (English) Zbl 1483.05078

Summary: H. Huang [Ann. Math. (2) 190, No. 3, 949–955 (2019; Zbl 1427.05116)] proved that every set of more than half the vertices of the \(d\)-dimensional hypercube \(Q_d\) induces a subgraph of maximum degree at least \(\sqrt{ d}\), which is tight by a result of F. R. K. Chung et al. [J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 49, No. 1, 180–187 (1988; Zbl 0653.05037)]. Huang [loc. cit.] asked whether similar results can be obtained for other highly symmetric graphs.
First, we present three infinite families of Cayley graphs of unbounded degree that contain induced subgraphs of maximum degree 1 on more than half the vertices. In particular, this refutes a conjecture of A. Potechin and H. Y. Tsang [“A conjecture on induced subgraphs of Cayley graphs”, Preprint, arXiv:2003.13166], for which first counterexamples were shown recently by F. Lehner and G. Verret [Ars Math. Contemp. 19, No. 1, 77–82 (2020; Zbl 1465.05195)]. The first family consists of dihedrants and contains a sporadic counterexample encountered earlier by Lehner and Verret [loc. cit.]. The second family are star graphs, these are edge-transitive Cayley graphs of the symmetric group. All members of the third family are \(d\)-regular containing an induced matching on a \(\frac{ d}{ 2 d - 1} \)-fraction of the vertices. This is largest possible and answers a question of Lehner and Verret [loc. cit.]. Second, we consider Huang’s lower bound for graphs with subcubes and show that the corresponding lower bound is tight for products of Coxeter groups of type \(\mathcal{A}_n\), \(\mathcal{I}_2(2 k + 1)\), and most exceptional cases. We believe that Coxeter groups are a suitable generalization of the hypercube with respect to Huang’s question.
Finally, we show that induced subgraphs on more than half the vertices of Levi graphs of projective planes and of the Ramanujan graphs of Lubotzky, Phillips, and Sarnak have unbounded degree. This gives classes of Cayley graphs with properties similar to the ones provided by Huang’s results. However, in contrast to Coxeter groups these graphs have no subcubes.


05C25 Graphs and abstract algebra (groups, rings, fields, etc.)
05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
05C60 Isomorphism problems in graph theory (reconstruction conjecture, etc.) and homomorphisms (subgraph embedding, etc.)
05C99 Graph theory
05C50 Graphs and linear algebra (matrices, eigenvalues, etc.)


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