
Fixed precision MCMC estimation by median of products of averages. (English) Zbl 1170.60327

Summary: The standard Markov chain Monte Carlo method of estimating an expected value is to generate a Markov chain which converges to the target distribution and then compute correlated sample averages. In many applications the quantity of interest \(\theta\) is represented as a product of expected values, \(\theta = \mu _{1} \dots \mu_k\), and a natural estimator is a product of averages. To increase the confidence level, we can compute a median of independent runs. The goal of this paper is to analyze such an estimator \(\hat \theta \), i.e. an estimator which is a ‘median of products of averages’ (MPA). Sufficient conditions are given for \(\hat\theta\) to have fixed relative precision at a given level of confidence, that is, to satisfy \(P(|\hat\theta- \theta | \leq \theta \varepsilon ) \geq 1 - \alpha \). Our main tool is a new bound on the mean-square error, valid also for nonreversible Markov chains on a finite state space.


60J22 Computational methods in Markov chains
60J10 Markov chains (discrete-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces)
65C05 Monte Carlo methods
68W20 Randomized algorithms
82B80 Numerical methods in equilibrium statistical mechanics (MSC2010)
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