
Semantics and proof-theory of depth bounded Boolean logics. (English) Zbl 1315.03107

Summary: We present a unifying semantical and proof-theoretical framework for investigating depth-bounded approximations to Boolean logic, namely approximations in which the number of nested applications of a single structural rule, representing the classical Principle of Bivalence, is bounded above by a fixed natural number. These approximations provide a hierarchy of tractable logical systems that indefinitely converge to classical propositional logic. The framework we present here brings to light a general approach to logical inference that is quite different from the standard Gentzen-style approaches, while preserving some of their nice proof-theoretical properties, and is common to several proof systems and algorithms, such as KE, KI and Stålmarck’s method.


03F03 Proof theory in general (including proof-theoretic semantics)
03B05 Classical propositional logic
03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations


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