
Intuitionistic categorial grammar. (English) Zbl 0727.03019

Classical categorial grammar is based on simple type theory, whose hierarchy of types consists of the ground types of individuals and of truth values, and of types of functions from any given type to any other one. The intuitionistic type theory of Martin-Löf has a richer type structure, based on the type of sets, which also functions as the type of propositions. Function types (\(\alpha\),\(\beta\)) are generalized to product types (x:\(\alpha\))\(\beta\), where \(\beta\) may depend on x. The extra power is used for handling with anaphoric reference within a Montague-style grammar. References inside and between sentences cause no problem as soon as connectives and quantifiers are explained in the intuitionistic way. The paper is intended to be self-contained, so that it provides an outline of Martin-Löf’s type theory only presupposing familiarity with logic.
Reviewer: A.Ranta


03B65 Logic of natural languages
03F35 Second- and higher-order arithmetic and fragments


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