
Trace formulae for dissipative and coupled scattering systems. (English) Zbl 1175.47008

Behrndt, Jussi (ed.) et al., Spectral theory in inner product spaces and applications. Papers of the 6th workshop on operator theory in Krein spaces and operator polynomials, TU Berlin, Germany, December 14–17, 2006. Basel: Birkhäuser (ISBN 978-3-7643-8910-9/hbk). Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 188, 49-85 (2009).
For a pair of selfadjoint operators \(H\) and \(H_0\) in a Hilbert space such that \(\text{dom}(H)=\text{dom}(H_0)\) and with the difference \(V=H-H_0\) in the trace class, the spectral shift function \(\xi(\lambda)\) was introduced by M.G.Krein in [Dokl.Akad.Nauk.SSSR 144, 268–271 (1962; Zbl 0191.15201)] with the help of the perturbation determinant \(D_{H/H_0}:=\det((H-z)(H_0-z)^{-1})\). Since \(\lim_{|\text{Im}(z)|\to\infty}D_{H/H_0}(z)=1\), a branch of \(z\mapsto\log (D_{H/H_0}(z))\) in the upper half-plane \(\mathbb{C}_+\) is fixed by the condition \(\log (D_{H/H_0}(z))\to 0\) as \(\text{Im}(z)\to\infty\) and the spectral shift function is then defined by \(\xi(\lambda)=\frac{1}{\pi}\text{Im}(\log(D_{H/H_0}(\lambda+i0)))\). M.G.Krein proved that \(\xi\in L_1(\mathbb{R},d\lambda)\), \(\|\xi\|_{L_1}\leq\| V\|_1\) (where the latter is the trace-class norm of \(V\)), and that the trace formula \(\text{tr}((H-z)^{-1}-(H_0-z)^{-1})=-\int_\mathbb{R}\frac{\xi(\lambda)}{(\lambda-z)^2}\,d\lambda\) holds for all \(z\in\rho(H)\cap\rho(H_0)\). It turns out that the scattering matrix \(S(H,H_0;\lambda)\) [see, e.g., the book D.R.Yafaev, “Mathematical scattering theory.General theory” (Translations of Mathematical Monographs 105; Providence, RI:AMS) (1992; Zbl 0761.47001)] and the spectral shift function \(\xi(\lambda)\) are related via Birman–Krein formula \(\det(S(H,H_0;\lambda))=\exp(2\pi i\xi(\lambda))\) for a.e.\(\lambda\in\mathbb{R}\).
In the paper under review, the trace formula and the Birman–Krein formula are obtained for pairs of selfadjoint extensions \(A_0\) and \(A_\Theta\) of a densely defined symmetric operator \(A\) with finite deficiency indices (in this case, only the assumption that the resolvent difference \((H-z)^{-1}-(H_0-z)^{-1}\) is of trace class is used). These results are generalized further to a maximal dissipative extension \(A_D\) of \(A\) and the corresponding pair \(\{A_D,A_0\}\).
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1151.47002].


47A40 Scattering theory of linear operators
47A55 Perturbation theory of linear operators
47B44 Linear accretive operators, dissipative operators, etc.


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