
Similarity suppresses cyclicity: why similar competitors form hierarchies. (English) Zbl 1530.91060

Summary: Competitive systems can exhibit both hierarchical (transitive) and cyclic (intransitive) structures. Despite theoretical interest in cyclic competition, which offers richer dynamics and occupies a larger subset of the scope of possible competitive systems, most real-world systems are predominantly transitive. Why? Here, we introduce a generic mechanism that promotes transitivity, even when there is ample room for cyclicity. We demonstrate that, if competitive outcomes depend smoothly on competitor attributes, then similar competitors compete transitively. We quantify the rate of convergence to transitivity given the similarity of the competitors and the smoothness of the performance function. Thus, we prove the adage regarding apples and oranges. Similar objects admit well-ordered comparisons; diverse objects may not.


91A22 Evolutionary games
91A80 Applications of game theory
91B14 Social choice




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