
Towards a robust fractional order PID stabilizer for electric power systems. (English) Zbl 1407.93098

Azar, Ahmad Taher (ed.) et al., Fractional order control and synchronization of chaotic systems. Cham: Springer. Stud. Comput. Intell. 688, 253-275 (2017).
Summary: This chapter deals with the design and application of a Robust Fractional Order PID (FOPID) power system stabilizer tuned by a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The system’s robustness is assured through the application of Kharitonov’s theorem to overcome the effect of system parameter’s changes within upper and lower pounds. The FOPID stabilizer has been simplified during the optimization using the Oustaloup’s approximation for fractional calculus and the “nipid” toolbox of Matlab during simulation. The objective is to keep robust stabilization with maximum attained degree of stability against system’s uncertainty. This optimization will be achieved with the proper choice of the FOPID stabilizer’s coefficients \((\mathrm k_{\mathrm p},\mathrm k_{\mathrm i},\mathrm k_{\mathrm d},\lambda\), and \(\delta\)) as discussed later in this chapter. The optimization has been done using the GA which limits the boundaries of the tuned parameters within the allowable domain. The calculations have been applied to a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) power system using Matlab and Simulink. The results show superior behavior of the proposed stabilizer over the traditional PID.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1410.93005].


93B35 Sensitivity (robustness)
90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming
93D21 Adaptive or robust stabilization
34A08 Fractional ordinary differential equations
93C15 Control/observation systems governed by ordinary differential equations
93C95 Application models in control theory


Matlab; Simulink
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