
Functional equations for peculiar functions. (English) Zbl 0876.39004

This is a thorough and interesting survey of functional equations which characterize certain everywhere continuous nowhere differentiable functions, strictly monotonic functions with almost everywhere 0 derivatives, replicative functions (cf. D. E. Knuth [The art of computer programming, Vol. I. (1968; Zbl 0191.17903)], etc. It concludes with some open problems and with 122 references.


39B22 Functional equations for real functions
26A27 Nondifferentiability (nondifferentiable functions, points of nondifferentiability), discontinuous derivatives
39B62 Functional inequalities, including subadditivity, convexity, etc.
26A30 Singular functions, Cantor functions, functions with other special properties


Zbl 0191.17903


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