
A generalization of Marshall’s equivalence relation. (English) Zbl 1156.12002

The space of orderings \(X_F\) of a formally real field \(F\) can be decomposed into Marshall’s equivalent classes. Two distinct orderings are in the same class if they are members of a 4-fan. In one of his previous papers [Commun. Algebra 21, No. 12, 4495–4511 (1993; Zbl 0799.12001)] the author associated a closure \(\hat{F}\) to any class \(C\) and proved that for some Pythagorean fields, especially for those with finitely many orderings, the partition of \(X_F\) into equivalence classes corresponds to a decomposition of \(G_F(2)\) as a free product in the category of pro-2 groups.
In the paper under review he generalizes Marshall’s equivalence relation from orderings to the case of arbitrary subgroups of the multiplicative group \(F^*\) of index \(p,\) where \(F\) is a field of characteristic \(\neq p\) and containing the \(p\)th roots of unity.
The main results are generalizations of the results of the paper mentioned above, i.e. (1) if \(\hat{F}\) is a closure at a \(p\)-equivalence class \(C\), then \(G_{\hat{F}}(p)\) cannot be written nontrivially as a free pro-\(p\) product of two closed subgroups, (2) if \(G_F(p)=G_{L_1}(p)\star_p ...\star_p G_{L_n}(p)\) for some intermediate fields \(F\subset L_1,...,L_n\subset F(p)\), then each free factor \(G_{Li}(p)\) comes from \(G_{\hat{F}}(p)\) for the closure \(\hat{F}\) at some \(p\)-equivalence class, (3) if \(\hat{F}\) is the closure at a finite \(p\)-equivalence class \(C\), then \(C\) consists of all restrictions \(F\cap \hat{T}\) to \(F\) of subgroups \(\hat{T}\) of \(\hat{F}^*\) of index \(p.\)
The final section contains a discussion of the so called elementary decomposition of \(G_F(p)\), which is a counterpart of the elementary decomposition of the finitely generated Witt ring in the theory of quadratic forms.


12E30 Field arithmetic
12J15 Ordered fields
12J10 Valued fields
19C99 Steinberg groups and \(K_2\)
20E18 Limits, profinite groups


Zbl 0799.12001
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