
Spectral optimization of inhomogeneous plates. (English) Zbl 1523.74105

Summary: This article is devoted to the study of spectral optimization for inhomogeneous plates. In particular, we consider the optimization of the first eigenvalue of a vibrating plate with respect to its thickness and/or density. We prove the existence of an optimal thickness, using fine tools hinging on topological properties of rearrangement classes. In the case of a circular plate, we provide a characterization of this optimal thickness by means of Talenti inequalities. Moreover, we prove a stability result when assuming that the thickness and the density of the plate are linearly related. This proof relies on \(H\)-convergence tools applied to the biharmonic operator.


74P10 Optimization of other properties in solid mechanics
74K20 Plates
74E05 Inhomogeneity in solid mechanics
74H45 Vibrations in dynamical problems in solid mechanics
35Q74 PDEs in connection with mechanics of deformable solids
35Q93 PDEs in connection with control and optimization


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