
From the \(W\)-hierarchy to XNLP. Classes of fixed parameter intractability. (English) Zbl 07556557

Mutzel, Petra (ed.) et al., WALCOM: algorithms and computation. 16th international conference and workshops, WALCOM 2022, Jember, Indonesia, March 24–26, 2022. Proceedings. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 13174, 15-25 (2022).
Summary: In this short survey, a number of old and new notions from parameterized complexity are discussed. We start with looking at the \(W\)-hierarchy, including the classes \(W[1]\), \(W[2]\), \(W[P]\). Then, a recent development where problems are shown to be complete for simultaneously non-deterministic time of the form \(f(k)n^c\) and space of the form \(f(k)\log n\), is discussed. Some consequences and other notions are briefly explored.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1490.68024].


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