
A local method for identifying causal relations under Markov equivalence. (English) Zbl 07505977

Summary: Causality is important for designing interpretable and robust methods in artificial intelligence research. We propose a local approach to identify whether a variable is a cause of a given target under the framework of causal graphical models of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). In general, the causal relation between two variables may not be identifiable from observational data as many causal DAGs encoding different causal relations are Markov equivalent. In this paper, we first introduce a sufficient and necessary graphical condition to check the existence of a causal path from a variable to a target in every Markov equivalent DAG. Next, we provide local criteria for identifying whether a variable is a cause/non-cause of a target based only on the local structure instead of the entire graph. Finally, we propose a local learning algorithm for this causal query via learning the local structure of the variable and some additional statistical independence tests related to the target. Simulation studies show that our local algorithm is efficient and effective, compared with other state-of-art methods.


68Txx Artificial intelligence


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