
Prethermalization in coupled one-dimensional quantum gases. (English) Zbl 07915014

Summary: We consider the problem of the development of steady states in one-dimensional Bose gas tubes that are weakly coupled to one another through a density-density interaction. We analyze this development through a Boltzmann collision integral approach. We argue that when the leading order of the collision integral, where single particle-hole excitations are created in individual gases, is dominant, the state of the gas evolves first to a non-thermal fixed point, i.e. a prethermalization plateau. This order is dominant when a pair of tubes are inequivalent with, say, different temperatures or different effective interaction parameters, \(\gamma\). When both tubes are in the strongly interacting regime we additionally characterize this non-thermal prethermalization plateau by constructing the quasi-conserved quantities that control the existence of this plateau as well as the associated generalized Gibbs ensemble.


82Bxx Equilibrium statistical mechanics
82Cxx Time-dependent statistical mechanics (dynamic and nonequilibrium)
81Qxx General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory


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