
A faster direct sampling algorithm for equilateral closed polygons and the probability of knotting. (English) Zbl 07881350

The authors present a faster algorithm for direct sampling of random equilateral closed polygons in three-dimensional space. This method improves on the moment polytope sampling algorithm of J. Cantarella et al. [J. Phys. A, Math. Theor. 49, No. 27, Article ID 275202, 9 p. (2016; Zbl 1342.82063)] which achieved a runtime of \(\Theta (n^{5/2})\) per sample, where \(n\) is the number of edges in the random equilateral closed polygon. The improved algorithm presented here improves the runtime to \(\Theta (n^{2})\) per sample, The authors use the new sampling method to investigate the probability of finding unknots among equilateral closed polygons cover covering a polygonal length from \(n = 16\) to \(n = 3043\). The authors detect the unknot by computing invariants based on the Alexander polynomial.


57K10 Knot theory
82B41 Random walks, random surfaces, lattice animals, etc. in equilibrium statistical mechanics
82D60 Statistical mechanics of polymers
60G50 Sums of independent random variables; random walks


Zbl 1342.82063




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