
Self-improvement of the Bakry-Emery criterion for Poincaré inequalities and Wasserstein contraction using variable curvature bounds. (English. French summary) Zbl 1498.60324

Summary: We study Poincaré inequalities and long-time behavior for diffusion processes on \(\mathbb{R}^n\) under a variable curvature lower bound, in the sense of Bakry-Emery. We derive various estimates on the rate of convergence to equilibrium in \(L^1\) optimal transport distance, as well as bounds on the constant in the Poincaré inequality in several situations of interest, including some where curvature may be negative. In particular, we prove a self-improvement of the Bakry-Emery estimate for Poincaré inequalities when curvature is positive but not constant.


60J60 Diffusion processes
58J65 Diffusion processes and stochastic analysis on manifolds
47D07 Markov semigroups and applications to diffusion processes
53C21 Methods of global Riemannian geometry, including PDE methods; curvature restrictions
60E15 Inequalities; stochastic orderings
26D10 Inequalities involving derivatives and differential and integral operators


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