
Hysteretic behavior of spatially coupled phase-oscillators. (English) Zbl 1465.34047

Summary: Motivated by phenomena related to biological systems such as the synchronously flashing swarms of fireflies, we investigate a network of phase oscillators evolving under the generalized Kuramoto model with inertia. A distance-dependent, spatial coupling between the oscillators is considered. Zeroth and first order kernel functions with finite kernel radii were chosen to investigate the effect of local interactions. The hysteretic dynamics of the synchronization depending on the coupling parameter was analyzed for different kernel radii. Numerical investigations demonstrate that (1) locally locked clusters develop for small coupling strength values, (2) the hysteretic behavior vanishes for small kernel radii, (3) the ratio of the kernel radius and the maximal distance between the oscillators characterizes the behavior of the network.


34C15 Nonlinear oscillations and coupled oscillators for ordinary differential equations
34D06 Synchronization of solutions to ordinary differential equations
92B25 Biological rhythms and synchronization


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