
Pressure-stabilized fixed-stress iterative solutions of compositional poromechanics. (English) Zbl 07867410

Summary: We consider the numerical behavior of the fixed-stress splitting method for coupled poromechanics as undrained regimes are approached. We explain that pressure stability is related to the splitting error of the scheme, not the fact that the discrete saddle point matrix never appears in the fixed-stress approach. This observation reconciles previous results regarding the pressure stability of the splitting method. Using examples of compositional poromechanics with application to geological \(\mathrm{CO}_2\) sequestration, we see that solutions obtained using the fixed-stress scheme with a low order finite element-finite volume discretization which is not inherently inf-sup stable can exhibit the same pressure oscillations obtained with the corresponding fully implicit scheme. Moreover, pressure jump stabilization can effectively remove these spurious oscillations in the fixed-stress setting, while also improving the efficiency of the scheme in terms of the number of iterations required at every time step to reach convergence.


76-XX Fluid mechanics
74-XX Mechanics of deformable solids


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