
The holdout randomization test for feature selection in black box models. (English) Zbl 07546466

Summary: We propose the holdout randomization test (HRT), an approach to feature selection using black box predictive models. The HRT is a specialized version of the conditional randomization test (CRT) that uses data splitting for feasible computation. The HRT works with any predictive model and produces a valid \(p\)-value for each feature. To make the HRT more practical, we propose a set of extensions to maximize power and speed up computation. In simulations, these extensions lead to greater power than a competing knockoffs-based approach, without sacrificing control of the error rate. We apply the HRT to two case studies from the scientific literature where heuristics were originally used to select important features for predictive models. The results illustrate how such heuristics can be misleading relative to principled methods like the HRT. Code is available at https://github.com/tansey/hrt. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.


62-XX Statistics


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