
Continuum limit of \(p\)-Laplacian evolution problems on graphs: \(L^q\) graphons and sparse graphs. (English) Zbl 1528.65096

Summary: In this paper we study continuum limits of the discretized \(p\)-Laplacian evolution problem on sparse graphs with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. This goes far beyond known results by handling much more general class of kernels, possibly singular, and graph sequences whose limit are the so-called \(L^q\)-graphons. More precisely, we derive a bound on the distance between two continuous-in-time trajectories defined by two different evolution systems (i.e., with different kernels, second member and initial data). Similarly, we provide a bound in the case that one of the trajectories is discrete-in-time and the other is continuous. In turn, these results lead us to establish error estimates of the full discretization of the \(p\)-Laplacian problem on sparse random graphs. In particular, we provide rate of convergence of solutions for the discrete models to the solution of the continuous problem as the number of vertices grows.


65N12 Stability and convergence of numerical methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
65M06 Finite difference methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
05C90 Applications of graph theory
35R09 Integro-partial differential equations
45K05 Integro-partial differential equations
35R02 PDEs on graphs and networks (ramified or polygonal spaces)
35R60 PDEs with randomness, stochastic partial differential equations


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