
Partial differential equations and variational methods for geometric processing of images. (English) Zbl 1476.49007

This paper is the output of a minisymposium, held in 2018 at the 9th International Conference on Curves and Surface in Arcachon, France, which featured a variety of recent developments of geometric partial differential equations and variational models which are directly or indirectly related to several problems in image and data processing.
The paper involves the talks of Blanche Buet, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, and Yves van Gennip, who were three minisymposium speakers.
Section 1 of the paper is about the talk of Yves van Gennip. This talk gives an overview of recent research activities in the field of PDEs on graphs and focused on techniques related to the graph Ginzburg-Landau variational model.
Section 2 was written by Jean-Marie Mirebeau, François Desquilbet, Johann Dreo, and Frédéric Barbaresco. This section gives recent numerical method devoted to computing curves that globally minimize an energy featuring both a data driven term, and a second order curvature penalizing term. Some applications to image segmentation and recent research progress on radar network configuration are given.
Section 3 is on the work of Blanche Buet, Gian Paolo Leonardi, and Simon Masnou on the definition and the approximation of weak curvatures for a large class of generalized surfaces, and in particular for point clouds, based on the geometric measure theoretic notion of varifolds. Details discussions are also given.


49J20 Existence theories for optimal control problems involving partial differential equations
49J35 Existence of solutions for minimax problems
68U10 Computing methodologies for image processing


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