
Approximating spectral clustering via sampling: a review. (English) Zbl 1436.62446

Ros, Frédéric (ed.) et al., Sampling Techniques for supervised or unsupervised tasks. Cham: Springer. Unsuperv. Semi-Superv. Learn., 129-183 (2020).
Summary: Spectral clustering refers to a family of well-known unsupervised learning algorithms. Rather than attempting to cluster points in their native domain, one constructs a (usually sparse) similarity graph and computes the principal eigenvectors of its Laplacian. The eigenvectors are then interpreted as transformed points and fed into a k-means clustering algorithm. As a result of this non-linear transformation, it becomes possible to use a simple centroid-based algorithm in order to identify non-convex clusters, something that was otherwise impossible. Unfortunately, what makes spectral clustering so successful is also its Achilles heel: forming a graph and computing its dominant eigenvectors can be computationally prohibitive when dealing with more than a few tens of thousands of points. In this chapter, we review the principal research efforts aiming to reduce this computational cost. We focus on methods that come with a theoretical control on the clustering performance and incorporate some form of sampling in their operation. Such methods abound in the machine learning, numerical linear algebra, and graph signal processing literature and, among others, include Nyström-approximation, landmarks, coarsening, coresets, and compressive spectral clustering. We present the approximation guarantees available for each and discuss practical merits and limitations. Surprisingly, despite the breadth of the literature explored, we conclude that there is still a gap between theory and practice: the most scalable methods are only intuitively motivated or loosely controlled, whereas those that come with end-to-end guarantees rely on strong assumptions or enable a limited gain of computation time.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1433.62016].


62M15 Inference from stochastic processes and spectral analysis
62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects)
62-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics


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