
Non-intersectivity of paperfolding dragon curves and of curves generated by automatic sequences. (English) Zbl 1448.11063

In this paper, the authors discuss the intersectivity of dragon curves obtained by unfolding a regularly folded strip of paper at an angle different from 90 degrees. They survey the (non-)intersectivity of curves associated with sequences taking their values in a finite set, in particular in the case of morphic or automatic sequences. They list papers about fractal curves, plane-filling curves, self-affine curves, or tilings, curves obtained by drawing sums of exponentials. They also present a result from the unpublished thesis of R. Albers (Bremen): The paperfolding curve is intersective if the unfolding angle is strictly between 90 and 95.126 degrees.


11B85 Automata sequences
00A08 Recreational mathematics
68R15 Combinatorics on words




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