
Polynomial products modulo primes and applications. (English) Zbl 1446.11030

For a polynomial \(P(x)\in{\mathbb Z}[x]\) and \(n\geq 1\), put \(F_P(n)=\prod_{k\leq n} P(k)\pmod{p}\), where \(p\) is a prime. Perfect power values of this expression are investigated by many authors; see e.g. results of Erdős-Selfridge (linear case) or Cilleruelo (quadratic case).
The authors study arithmetic dynamical systems generated by \(F_P(n)\), and provide several related results. Among others, they show that
\[ \# S_d(M,N)\ll N^{7/8}(\log N)^{1/4}, \]
where \(S_d(M,N)\) \((d,M,N\geq 1)\) is the set of integers \(n\), for which all the numbers \(n=M+1,\ldots,M+N\) can be written in the form \(dt^2\). (This result improves an estimate of Cilleruelo, Luca, Quirós and Shparlinski.) As an application, they give a new, improved lower bound on the number of distinct quadratic fields of the form \(\mathbb Q(\sqrt{F_P(n)})\) in short intervals. They give further related results, as well, for example, for the number of missing values of \(F_P(n)\pmod{p}\) for certain special families of polynomials, generalizing several theorems from the literature.


11B50 Sequences (mod \(m\))
11D45 Counting solutions of Diophantine equations
11R09 Polynomials (irreducibility, etc.)
11R11 Quadratic extensions
11R44 Distribution of prime ideals


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