
Quantum secure multi-party summation protocol based on blind matrix and quantum Fourier transform. (English) Zbl 1509.81444

Summary: Multi-party quantum summation is the premise for implementing other complex multi-party quantum computing tasks. Here, a hybrid protocol is proposed to simultaneously implement secure multi-party quantum summation and sorting, which consists of one server and \(n\) clients. The proposed protocol is based on the blind matrix method and quantum Fourier transform, which possesses secret-by-secret computation type and star network topology structure between the server and clients. It can resist multiple attack modes including intercept-measurement attack, intercept-resend attack, entangle-measurement attack, collusion attack, server attack, collective attack, and coherent attack. In the process of implementing the protocol, the client only needs to perform simple quantum operations, which is considerably different from previous protocols. Therefore, the protocol has advantages of high security, high efficiency, broad application scenarios, and good practicability.


81P94 Quantum cryptography (quantum-theoretic aspects)
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