
Quantification of model uncertainty on path-space via goal-oriented relative entropy. (English) Zbl 1472.62042

Summary: Quantifying the impact of parametric and model-form uncertainty on the predictions of stochastic models is a key challenge in many applications. Previous work has shown that the relative entropy rate is an effective tool for deriving path-space uncertainty quantification (UQ) bounds on ergodic averages. In this work we identify appropriate information-theoretic objects for a wider range of quantities of interest on path-space, such as hitting times and exponentially discounted observables, and develop the corresponding UQ bounds. In addition, our method yields tighter UQ bounds, even in cases where previous relative-entropy-based methods also apply, e.g., for ergodic averages. We illustrate these results with examples from option pricing, non-reversible diffusion processes, stochastic control, semi-Markov queueing models, and expectations and distributions of hitting times.


62F35 Robustness and adaptive procedures (parametric inference)
62B10 Statistical aspects of information-theoretic topics
60G40 Stopping times; optimal stopping problems; gambling theory
60J60 Diffusion processes
60K20 Applications of Markov renewal processes (reliability, queueing networks, etc.)
93E20 Optimal stochastic control
91G20 Derivative securities (option pricing, hedging, etc.)
94A17 Measures of information, entropy


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