
Singular geometry of the momentum space: from wire networks to quivers and monopoles. (English) Zbl 1388.81124

Summary: A new nano-material in the form of a double gyroid has motivated us to study (non)-commutative \(C^\ast\) geometry of periodic wire networks and the associated graph Hamiltonians.
Here we present a general more abstract framework, which is given by certain quiver representations, with special attention to the original case of the gyroid as well as related cases, such as graphene. The resulting effective \(C^\ast\)-geometry is that of the momentum space, which parameterizes the quasi-momenta.
This geometry is usually singular, where the singularities describe so-called band intersections in physics. We give geometric and algebraic methods to study these intersections; their origin being singularity theory and representation theory. A technique we newly apply to this situation is the use of topological invariants, which we formalize and explain in the paper.
This uses \(K\)-theory and Chern classes as well as “slicing methods” for their computation. In this method the invariants can be computed using Berry’s connection in the momentum space. This brings monopole charges and issues of topological stability into the picture.
Adding a constant magnetic field or allowing projective representations makes the \(C^\ast\) geometry non-commutative. In this case, we can also use \(K\)-theory, albeit in a different way, to make statements about the band structure using gap labeling.


81Q12 Nonselfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory including creation and destruction operators
46L60 Applications of selfadjoint operator algebras to physics
57M15 Relations of low-dimensional topology with graph theory
58B32 Geometry of quantum groups
81R60 Noncommutative geometry in quantum theory


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