
Some aspects of the SD-world. (English) Zbl 1515.20311

Vojtěchovský, Petr (ed.) et al., Nonassociative mathematics and its applications. Fourth mile high conference on nonassociative mathematics, Denver, CO, USA, July 29 – August 5, 2017. Proceedings. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 721, 69-96 (2019).
Summary: We survey a few of the many results now known about the selfdistributivity law and selfdistributive structures, with a special emphasis on the associated word problems and the algorithms solving them in good cases.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1410.17001].


20N02 Sets with a single binary operation (groupoids)
03D40 Word problems, etc. in computability and recursion theory
08A50 Word problems (aspects of algebraic structures)


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