
First-order logic and numeration systems. (English) Zbl 1486.03055

Berthé, Valérie (ed.) et al., Sequences, groups, and number theory. Cham: Birkhäuser. Trends Math., 89-141 (2018).
Summary: The Büchi-Bruyère theorem states that a subset of \(\mathbb N^d\) is \(b\)-recognizable if and only if it is \(b\)-definable. This result is a powerful tool for showing that many properties of \(b\)-automatic sequences are decidable. Going a step further, first-order logic can be used to show that many enumeration problems of \(b\)-automatic sequences can be described by \(b\)-regular sequences. The latter sequences can be viewed as a generalization of \(b\)-automatic sequences to integer-valued sequences. These techniques were extended to two wider frameworks: \(U\)-recognizable subsets of \(\mathbb N^d\) and \(\beta\)-recognizable subsets of \(\mathbb R^d\). In the second case, real numbers are represented by infinite words, and hence, the notion of \(\beta\)-recognizability is defined by means of Büchi automata. Again, logic-based characterization of \(U\)-recognizable (resp. \(\beta\)-recognizable) sets allows us to obtain various decidability results. The aim of this chapter is to present a survey of this very active research domain.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1394.05002].


03C07 Basic properties of first-order languages and structures
03C62 Models of arithmetic and set theory
03D05 Automata and formal grammars in connection with logical questions


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