
An improved algorithm for learning sparse parities in the presence of noise. (English) Zbl 1504.68088

Summary: We revisit the Learning Sparse Parities with Noise (LSPN) problem on \(k\) out of \(n\) variables for \(k \ll n\), and present the following findings.
For true parity size \(k = n^u\) for any \(0 < u < 1\), and noise rate \(\eta < 1 / 2\), the first algorithm solves the \((n,k, \eta )\)-LSPN problem with constant probability and time/sample complexity \(\frac{ n^{( 1 - u + o ( 1 ) ) k}}{ ( 1 / 2 - \eta )^2} \).
For any \(1 / 2 < c_1 < 1\), \(k = o(\eta n / \log n)\), and \(\eta \leq n^{- c_1} / 4\), our second algorithm solves the \((n,k, \eta )\)-LSPN problem with constant probability and time/sample complexity \(n^{2 ( 1 - c_1 + o ( 1 ) ) k} \).
We show a “win-win” result about reducing the number of samples. If there is an algorithm that solves \((n, k, \eta)\)-LSPN problem with probability \(\Omega(1)\), time/sample complexity \(n^{O ( k )}\) for \(k = o( n^{1 - c})\), any noise rate \(\eta = n^{1 - 2 c} / 3\) and \(1 / 2 \leq c < 1\). Then, either there exists an algorithm that solves the \((n, k, \mu)\)-LSPN problem under lower noise rate \(\mu = n^{- c} / 3\) using only \(2n\) samples, or there exists an algorithm that solves the \((n, k^\prime, \mu)\)-LSPN problem for a much larger \(k^\prime = n^{1 - c}\) with probability \(n^{- O ( k )} / \mathsf{poly}(n)\), and time complexity \(\mathsf{poly}(n) \cdot n^{O ( k )} \), using only \(n\) samples.
Our algorithms are simple in concept by combining a few basic techniques such as majority voting, reduction from the LSPN problem to its decisional variant, Goldreich-Levin list decoding, and computational sample amplification.


68Q32 Computational learning theory
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence


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