
Uniqueness and numerical method for phaseless inverse diffraction grating problem with known superposition of incident point sources. (English) Zbl 07878750

Summary: In this paper, we establish the uniqueness of identifying a smooth grating profile with a mixed boundary condition (MBC) or transmission boundary conditions (TBCs) from phaseless data. The existing uniqueness result requires the measured data to be in a bounded domain. To break this restriction, we design an incident system consisting of the superposition of point sources to reduce the measurement data from a bounded domain to a line above the grating profile. We derive reciprocity relations for point sources, diffracted fields, and total fields, respectively. Based on Rayleigh’s expansion and reciprocity relation of the total field, a grating profile with a MBC or TBCs can be uniquely determined from the phaseless total field data. An iterative algorithm is proposed to recover the Fourier modes of grating profiles at a fixed wavenumber. To implement this algorithm, we derive the Fréchet derivative of the total field operator and its adjoint operator. Some numerical examples are presented to verify the correctness of theoretical results and to show the effectiveness of our numerical algorithm.
{© 2024 IOP Publishing Ltd}


78Axx General topics in optics and electromagnetic theory
35Rxx Miscellaneous topics in partial differential equations
35Jxx Elliptic equations and elliptic systems
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