
Partitioned hybrid learning of Bayesian network structures. (English) Zbl 07570141

Summary: We develop a novel hybrid method for Bayesian network structure learning called partitioned hybrid greedy search (pHGS), composed of three distinct yet compatible new algorithms: Partitioned PC (pPC) accelerates skeleton learning via a divide-and-conquer strategy, \(p\)-value adjacency thresholding (PATH) effectively accomplishes parameter tuning with a single execution, and hybrid greedy initialization (HGI) maximally utilizes constraint-based information to obtain a high-scoring and well-performing initial graph for greedy search. We establish structure learning consistency of our algorithms in the large-sample limit, and empirically validate our methods individually and collectively through extensive numerical comparisons. The combined merits of pPC and PATH achieve significant computational reductions compared to the PC algorithm without sacrificing the accuracy of estimated structures, and our generally applicable HGI strategy reliably improves the estimation structural accuracy of popular hybrid algorithms with negligible additional computational expense. Our empirical results demonstrate the competitive empirical performance of pHGS against many state-of-the-art structure learning algorithms.


68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence


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